Alright, it’s working! It took a bit of effort, mainly because I just don’t know a lot of web development and I wanted things to work in a very specific way… but that’s the fun of DIY. I might as well share what I learned.

The main problem was that I wanted my blog to be both in English and Spanish (and maybe French in the future, if I practice enough). I got it working exactly to my liking! Try it yourself, choose your language from the top navigation bar.

How to add multi-language support

To achieve this, I used the Polyglot plugin. It changes the way Jekyll builds sites, creating subfolders for each configured language. Any page that’s missing a translation uses the default language instead.

The instructions to set it up are available on the GitHub repo, it’s really easy to do! The only issue I ran into is that it doesn’t work with Jekyll 4.0.0, so I had to downgrade to 3.8.6.

How to translate the blog theme

Next, we need to update a few parts of the theme we’re using. For that, you need to copy over the relevant files from it. You can find them by using the following command:

$ bundle info --path minima

You’ll want to go look at the _layouts and _includes folders. In particular, I needed the footer.html and header.html includes, and the home.html layout.

Next, choose the text you want to translate, and put them in a _data/translated_strings.yml file. Here’s a sample of mine:

  en: >-
    Just a little blog to put down my thoughts
  es_CL: >-
    Sólo un pequeño blog para escribir mis pensamientos
  en: Subscribe
  es_CL: Suscríbete
  en: via RSS
  es_CL: por RSS

Then you can use these snippets like so:

<p class="rss-subscribe">{{[site.active_lang] }} <a href="{{ "/feed.xml" | relative_url }}">{{[site.active_lang] }}</a></p>

How to allow users to change languages

The final step is allowing users to choose a language. For that, I added a bunch of links to the nav-bar like this:

{% for lang_option in site.languages %}
  {% assign lang_icon =[lang_option].icon %}
  {% assign lang_name =[lang_option].name[site.active_lang] %}
  {% if site.default_lang == lang_option %}
    <a class="page-link" href=" {{ page.permalink }}">
  {% else %}
    <a class="page-link" href="{{ site.url }}/{{ lang_option }}{{ page.permalink }}">
  {% endif %}
    {{ lang_icon }} {{ lang_name }} 
{% endfor %}

There’s two interesting things to note here. First, see that dangling space in the anchor href? That’s on purpose. It tells Polyglot to use the default language link. Second, there’s the[lang_option] snippet. That reads the contents of ./_data/languages.yml:

    en: English
    es_CL: Inglés
  icon: 🇺🇸
    en: Spanish
    es_CL: Español
  icon: 🇨🇱

Yes, I used emojis for the country icons. Sue me. I also added individual translations for the name on each language, which is overkill but I wanted the practice.

And that’s it for now! I’m kind of excited about having this little pet project, it’s kind of fun. I have a bunch of features I want to implement, but I’ll tackle those little by little.